Thursday, October 4, 2012

Welcome to A mighty Wind, a blog about pipe organs and classical pipe organ music.  I'm Seaumas and have been a huge fan since I was a small child.  I also play the instrument, have a large collection of music, recordings, specifications, videos and such.  If you are, like me, such a fan that you would crawl on your belly through broken glass in the middle of a Siberian winter just to hear a a fine artist or touch a great instrument then this might be a place to visit.  I'm no snob.  Many of those new electronic instruments like the Yamaha are astounding, especially played by those new Chinese artists.  And I'm no purist.  Lets climb up to the loft, turn on the pumps, pull out a few stops and clean out the boxes.  I like tall tales, stories, jokes, experiences retold and will fight for my own registrations.  You?

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